Monday, January 21, 2013

Salt dough: Not Just For Ornaments! (15 fun ideas)


  For about a dollar fifty a batch, salt dough is by far one of the cheapest craft projects. It can also be one of the most versatile. You can make tons of stuff with it. Here are some ideas...

1. Ornaments (we all know that one)
2. Play food for the kids, a handmade cookie play set would be so cute!!
3. Jewelry, stick a toothpick through anything you make and with a little string you have yourself a necklace (you can even stick a pin in the back before you cook it to make a brooch)
4. A pencil holder or little container
5. Figurines or furniture for a dollhouse
6. Paper weights
7. A cute bowl (cook a sheet of dough on an upside down metal bowl and it will take it's shape, you could even mesh a lace pattern into it like on pinterest!)
8. Magnets, just glue a magnetic strip on the back.
9. Little buttons, for decorations on cards and thing (not to be worn on clothes)
10. Ginger bread houses that will last forever (make sure you use glue instead of frosting)
11. press rubber stamps into them for a super cute wall hanging
12. make a hand print mold with the kids
13. Gift tags (they could also double as ornaments during the holidays)
14. figurines for school dioramas
15. tea light candle holder

The possibilities are endless. The recipe itself is easy too. All you need is..

2pts flour
1pt salt
1pt water
sculpting tools
wax paper
a cookie sheet

Start out by mixing you flour and salt together then just add water. If you want your dough softer add more water if you want it more dry add more flour. When your done molding your creations just put them on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and put in the oven  on 200 degrees for 3 hrs. Or you can let them sit over night and harden on their own. Either way works. When they are done you can paint them to your hearts content but make sure you seal them with a varnish so they are less likely to wear or crack.

So I got together with my friend I haven't seen in far too long and we decided to try it. While the puppy slept we crafted away!

Here are some of our beautiful creations
Happy Crafting, Abby 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

So, I found a super simple, super cheap, and super low calorie cake mix for those late night cravings. There are two ingredients for it. Simply cake mix from the box and a 12oz can of diet soda. It all cost me $4 for a decent desert!

My ingredients:

-One box of whit cake mix

-One 12oz can of diet Cherry 7up

-One canister of whipped cream

Yes! It really is that simple! All you do is mix the pop and cake mix together in a bowl. It does get fizzy but be patient; with enough stirring it goes down. Bake according to the box directions for mini cupcakes and you have yourself a yummy, super light, and super low cal dessert.