Friday, February 22, 2013

Paint Chip Heaven

I noticed that the ombre effect is really "in" right now and as I was shopping with my sister we passed the paint aisle. The rows and rows of color were almost calling me to it ✨. I've seen all the cool ideas on pintrest using these little cards of paint. It's about time I give it a try. So my sister and I (I have to give props to Hannah for putting up with me) stuffed our purses full of the best colors. Well actually I stuffed her purse because mine was in the car. We made it out okay, but I have to admit I felt a little like a criminal. All in the name of crafting right?

So I compiled my list of ideas and here's what I came up with...

-Party garland
-wall art
-Halloween costumes
-gift tags
-origami boxes
-kids crafts
- card or scrapbook décor
- bookmarks
-and much more.

I decided to take a crack at the last three, because they feel like stuff I would actually use. Anyways here's what I came up with. The instructions are pretty self explanatory.


If you have any more ideas leave a comment!!

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